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  1. 详解android:layout_weight

    Fri 28 March 2014   Write By xymelon



    Tagged as : Android
  2. Linux学习笔记——有效群组(effective group)与初始群组(initial group)

    Wed 18 December 2013   Write By xymelon

    有效群组(effective group)与初始群组(initial group)



    Tagged as : Linux
  3. Linux学习笔记——'Pattern Space' and 'Hold Space' in sed

    Mon 02 December 2013   Write By xymelon


    When sed reads a file line by line, the line that has been currently read is inserted into the pattern buffer (pattern space). Pattern buffer is like the temporary buffer, the scratchpad where the current information is stored. When you tell sed to print, it prints the pattern buffer.

    Hold buffer / hold space is like a long-term storage, such that you can catch something, store it and reuse it later when sed is processing another line. You do not directly process the hold space, instead, you need to copy it or append to the pattern space if you want to do something with it. For example, the print command p prints the pattern space only. Likewise, s operates on the pattern space.

    Tagged as : Linux
  4. Linux学习笔记——权限管理(2)

    Sat 23 November 2013   Write By xymelon


    SUID:当s这个标志出现在文件拥有者权限的x权限上时,如【-rwsr-xr-x】,此时被称为Set UID,简称为SUID的特殊权限,且只对文件有效。

    1. SUID权限仅对二进制程序(binary program)有效;
    2. 执行者对于该程序需要具有x的可执行权限;
    3. 本权限尽在执行该程序的过程中有效(run-time);
    4. 执行者将具有该拥有者(owner)的权限。
    Tagged as : Linux
  5. 使用Pelican和GitHub Pages搭建个人博客 —— 进阶篇

    Fri 22 November 2013   Write By xymelon


    1. godaddy上购买域名,推荐使用国内优惠码(搜索一下,你就知道~),价格会非常便宜,比如我花了111.95元就购买了两年期限的域名,你说爽不爽。
    2. 购买成功后,需要将DNS服务解析转回到国内,推荐使用DNSPod,至于为啥需要转回国内,你猜呢?DNSPod官网上有详细介绍,请点击Godaddy注册商域名修改DNS地址
    3. 完成第二步后,需注册DNSPod,请点击学会使用DNSPod,仅需三步,按照教程添加上刚购买的域名后,为让其指向github分配给我们的二级域名,只需在DNSPod中添加A记录,指向204.232.175.78,请参见github pages教程Setting up a custom domain with Pages,如有不懂之处,也可看看DNSPod的帮助中心,里面的介绍非常详细。
    4. 最后一步,登录github,进入我们所创建的cowfighting.github.io库中,在根目录创建一个名为CNAME的文件,内容为在godaddy购买的域名,例,到此为止,即大功告成。
    Tagged as : pelican

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